
Order siTOOLs Biotech's products

Order siPOOLs

Complex pools of 30 siRNAs targeting one target gene.
Maximizing Knockdown while minimizing off-target effects.

Order siPOOL Controls

Choose your positive and negative control siRNAs here::


Order riboPOOLs

Complex pools of biotinylated DNA probes. Specifically designed to hybridize and remove ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from RNA samples

Order an RNA Marker

For the excision of RPFs from denaturing polyacrylamide gels:

Get a Quote

Hi there! You can purchase our products directly or generate a web quote by adding items to your cart, entering your information and selecting "Request Quote" at checkout. You will receive an email with a PDF file, which you can then send to info@sitools.de to place an order. For direct purchases, simply click "Submit".

Need a Custom Solution?

For Custom-designed siPOOLs, Combination riboPOOLs, or Custom riboPOOLs, please request a quote here:

Request a quote

Order via our Distributors

You can also order our products from our distributors.

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