The beauty of the siPool
Discover the beauty of the siPool strategy. Dilute off-target effects with on-target siRNAs. Like composite faces, flaws are evened out for a beautiful on-target phenotype. Choose the best individual siRNAs for high-complexity siPools.
The nasty, ugly fact of off-target effects
Discover the fascinating history of siRNAs and their impact on gene targeting. Explore the disappointments and lessons learned from siRNA screening.
Don't swallow the fly
There was a PI who screened one s i [RNA], Oh, I don’t know why they screened one s i … siRNA screens have a high false positive rate, due to pervasive off-target effects. Confirming ‘hits’ from single-siRNA screens is a lot of work.
Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects
Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects 2. October 2014 Andrew Walsh This year marks the 11th ...