Measure RNA expression and protein translation

Setting up a ribosome profiling experiment can be complex and time-consuming. The eRibo Pro ribosome profiling service offers a complete and streamlined solution for your Ribo-Seq experiments. The service includes sample processing (RNA and ribosome-protected fragment preparation [RPFs]), library generation, sequencing, and in-depth bioinformatics analysis, helping you to focus on your research without the need for extensive technical setup. eRibo Pro offers detailed insights into ribosome activity and mRNA translation. Using advanced sequencing technology, it provides researchers with precise data on translational dynamics, making it a valuable tool for RNA research.

What does the eRibo Pro service offer?

1. Laboratory Work

RNA & RPF preparation, ribodepletion and library generation

2. Sequencing

Next-generation sequencing is performed on both the RPF and RNA-Seq libraries

3. Analysis

Custom bioinformatics analyses to determine changes in RNA expression and translation

eRibo Pro research applications

Measure changes in ribosome occupancy

Ribosome occupancy, also called translation efficiency or TE, is a relative measure of the amount of ribosomes on a given gene. This metric is often used to detect target-specific changes in translation with small molecules, or to rank mRNA vaccine candidates for optimal protein production.

Identify stalled ribosomes

Ribosome stalling can lead to decreased protein production or frameshifted proteins. This makes identification of ribosome stalls critical for mRNA therapeutic development and the comprehensive evaluation of small molecule candidates. eRibo Pro provides per codon measurements of ribosome enrichment, enabling the robust identification of where ribosome stalls occur.

Find therapeutic off-targets

All therapeutics have a risk of off-target effects, which can halt a clinical trial. By measuring both RNA levels and translation, eRibo Pro provides a more comprehensive view of therapeutic effects, allowing developers to move to the clinic with increased confidence

Other ribosome profiling products

Ribo-Seq riboPOOLs: Optimized for rRNA depletion in ribosome profiling sample preparation

For sequencing RPFs, it is critical to focus on RNA fragments derived from mRNAs rather than non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) such as ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). Ribo-Seq riboPOOLs, are specialized ribodepletion kits designed for use prior to RPFs sequencing. The ribosomal RNA removal kits are available for plants, fish, bacteria, algea, parasites, mammals, yeast, nematodes; and can be designed for any species with annotated rRNA sequences.

Minimize your RNA contaminants with the RiboCut Marker

The RiboCut Marker consists of three PAGE-purified RNA oligos (27, 29 and 32 nucleotides in length) with a phosphate at their 3' end, designed to facilitate the excision of RPFs from denaturing polyacrylamide gels. The RiboCut Marker is compatible with Ribo-Seq samples derived from different species (e.g. human, mouse, rat, C.elegansD. melanogaster).

Precise Monosome Purification with the siFractor

During the ribosome profiling protocol, all steps are censorious. One of the first steps is the preparation of mono- and polysomal ribosomes. This process includes a sucrose gradient centrifugation step and subsequent fractionation. siTOOLs has developed a device called siFractor which enables easy and reproducible fractionation of mono- and polysomal ribosomes from thin-wall tubes.