Pan-Sponge riboPOOL

The Pan-Sponge riboPOOL is designed to efficiently remove ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from sponge RNA samples. The product is compatible with most downstream applications, including different next generation sequencing workflows (both short and long-read sequencing).

The Pan-Sponge riboPOOL is optimized for high-quality and intact (RIN > 7) RNA samples.


The Pan-Sponge riboPOOL covers the following sequences:

Sequence Type Covered
28S rRNA Cytosolic Yes
18S  rRNA Cytosolic Yes
5.8S rRNA Cytosolic Yes
5S rRNA Cytosolic No
16S rRNA Mitochondrial Yes
12S rRNA Mitochondrial Yes


Sponges are crucial for maintaining the health of marine ecosystems through their filter-feeding activities. Molecular biology studies help understand the genetic responses of sponges to environmental changes and pollution, which can have broader ecological implications.


The Pan-Sponge riboPOOL was designed using the rRNA sequences from these species as templates:

Amphimedon queenslandica
Ephydatia fluviatilis
Lendenfeldia chondrodes

Spongilla lacustris
Tethya spp.

Benefits of using riboPOOLs for multiple species rRNA depletion

  • Enzyme-free, fast & easy workflow
  • Compatible with most downstream applications
  • Wide range of input RNA amounts
  • Possibility of combining with other riboPOOLs
  • Compatible with lab automated workflows

Available Formats

riboPOOLs kits with cleanUP module

riboPOOL Probes Only