Ectocarpus siliculosus riboPOOL for ribosome profiling

The Ectocarpus siliculosus Ribo-Seq riboPOOL is designed to efficiently remove ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Ectocarpus siliculosus (brown algae) during Ribo-Seq sample preparation.

Depletion with Ribo-Seq riboPOOLs can be readily integrated into Ribo-Seq workflows without the need of modifications to established protocols.


The Ectocarpus siliculosus riboPOOL covers the following sequences:

Sequence Type Covered
28S rRNA Cytosolic Yes
18S  rRNA Cytosolic Yes
5.8S  rRNA Cytosolic Yes
5S rRNA Cytosolic Yes
16S  rRNA Mitochondrial No
12S  rRNA Mitochondrial No


Ectocarpus siliculosus, commonly known as the filamentous brown alga, is widely studied as a model organism in phycology. Its relatively simple structure, rapid growth, and close genetic relationship to other brown algae make it an excellent system for investigating marine plant physiology, developmental processes, and responses to environmental factors. 

Benefits of using riboPOOLs for ribosome profiling

  • Enhance the cost-efficiency of sequencing projects
  • Facilitate the quantification of translation of rare transcripts
  • Customizable rRNA removal solution for any species

Available Formats

riboPOOLs kits with cleanUP module

riboPOOL Probes Only