"Phenoville" - RNAi & CRISPR Screening Strategies
Comparing RNAi and CRISPR screening strategies in host-virus interactions. RNAi offers broader insights, CRISPR specificity.
Making sense of siGENOME deconvolution
Deconvolution of Dharmacon siGENOME pools shows surprising results, with low correlation to target genes and significant seed effects.
How reproducible are CRISPR screens?
Exploring the reproducibility of CRISPR screens compared to RNAi screens. While CRISPR gRNAs show more consistent gene inhibition, overlap in top hits between CRISPR screens varies, cautioning against overestimating reliability solely based on assay reproducibility.
The final RNAiL?
Explore the debate over RNAi's viability post-CRISPR revelations. Lin et al.'s findings challenge RNAi's efficacy, but nuances suggest RNAi still has value, albeit with precautions against off-target effects
Where's the beef?
Uncover the impact of on- vs. off-target effects in RNAi screening. Analysis of Hasson et al.'s genome-wide screen reveals the prevalence of off-target effects, emphasizing the need for precise siRNA libraries.
Classic Papers Series: Lin et al. show RNAi screen dominated by seed effects
Classic Papers Series: Lin et al. show RNAi screen dominated by seed effects Classic Papers Series: Lin et al. show RNAi screen dominated...
The limits of chemical modification
Learn how chemical modifications in siRNAs don't always prevent seed-based off-target effects, as evidenced by Rasmussen et al.'s study on Pik3ca siRNA
Deconvoluted SMARTpools are like a box of chocolates
Exploring RNAi screening, Falkenberg et al. uncover the unpredictability of siRNA effects, highlighting the complexity of gene knockdown studies.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
siPOOLs embody simplicity in RNAi research, mirroring Apple's philosophy for user-computer harmony, making complex biological insights accessible.
Seed effects persist in hyperdimensional space
Delve into the challenge of off-target effects in seed-based RNAi. Carpenter lab's study reveals persistent seed effects even in expanded phenotypic hyperspace, emphasizing the need for precise gene-specific knockdown reagents