Complex siRNA Pools
The shortcut to Knock-Down Specificity and Robustness
The central problem: Single siRNAs are unpredictable
- Low specificity by numerous, unpredictable off-target genes
- Variable target gene silencing by unpredictable siRNA activity
Read more in RNA Introduction
The straight solution: Use Complex Pools of siRNAs ( 4 siRNAs are not enough)
- Off-target dilution by the low concentration of each siRNA
- Robust, maximum silencing by cooperative activity of MANY siRNAs.
Read more in RNA Introduction
The siPOOL Concept
Using single siRNAs or low complexity pools ( e.g. 4 siRNAs) can lead to multiple, unpredictable off-target genes being down-regulated, resulting in unspecific phenotypes.
While the use of complex siRNA pools (siPOOL = 30 siRNAs) allows for each siRNAs being present at low concentrations. Effectively diluting off-target effects, resulting in specific phenotypes.
Working concentration
In nanomolar range for siRNA
Low specificity | Unreliable results
In picomolar range for each siRNA