Seed effects persist in hyperdimensional space
Delve into the challenge of off-target effects in seed-based RNAi. Carpenter lab's study reveals persistent seed effects even in expanded phenotypic hyperspace, emphasizing the need for precise gene-specific knockdown reagents
Knocking out the phenotype
Explore the implications of gene knockout on phenotype. Learn from recent research indicating a lack of phenotypic response when knocking out klf2a, contrasting with knockdown outcomes.
Genetic compensation
Discover how genetic compensation alters gene knockout outcomes. Learn from research by Rossi et al. on phenotypic mitigation post gene knockout.
Russian roulette
Discover the best bases to choose for the seed region of a single siRNA. Learn about the potential off-target effects and the challenges of predicting them. Explore a recent study that highlights the toxicity of an siRNA in mice and the modifications that were made to create a non-toxic version.
The beauty of the siPool
Discover the beauty of the siPool strategy. Dilute off-target effects with on-target siRNAs. Like composite faces, flaws are evened out for a beautiful on-target phenotype. Choose the best individual siRNAs for high-complexity siPools.
The nasty, ugly fact of off-target effects
Discover the fascinating history of siRNAs and their impact on gene targeting. Explore the disappointments and lessons learned from siRNA screening.
Don't swallow the fly
There was a PI who screened one s i [RNA], Oh, I don’t know why they screened one s i … siRNA screens have a high false positive rate, due to pervasive off-target effects. Confirming ‘hits’ from single-siRNA screens is a lot of work.
Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects
Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects Celebrating 11 years of off-target effects 2. October 2014 Andrew Walsh This year marks the 11th ...